
Cost is often a key element in the acquisition of a new technology.

At GSR we are aware of this: interfaceable with existing systems, our 360° solution allows to have a communication resilience on a whole geographical area at low cost. 

Our solution allows us to offer a network between the different actors of a community, from the prefecture to the shopping mall to the schools, in order to better manage times of crisis.

Reinforcing the resilience of territories

Facilitating the PPMS system by centralizing alerts, automating alerts and providing resilient two-way communication via satellite

Alerting the population

Any person within the perimeter of one of these boxes and having a simple smartphone can receive alerts, be located and also send messages to the emergency services even in case of blackout. Without the need to install any application

Triggering remote actions to secure the lives of local residents 

Teleoperation by human or automated actions on abnormal variations of environmental parameters.

Our dedicated offers

Our offer allows communities to forward the collected data to the competent authorities and to alert the population in case of crisis so that they can take the necessary precautions to protect themselves

Management of intervention teams

Alert to the population

Smart City

We want to enable effective, targeted and comprehensive communication between all public institutions to enable effective risk management and crisis response

Henri Delattre - CEO of Global Smart Rescue

Smart technology


Future of the product and R&D

Équiper toutes les mairies et entreprises (toutes institutions publiques) du dispositif, afin d’harmoniser les échanges, et de cette façon pouvoir garantir la sécurité d’une collectivité. Faire remonter l’information jusqu’au gouvernement grâce à une communication hiérarchique (mairie>préfet>Etat).